Wednesday, September 18, 2024
HomeNewsFremont Police Department Secures $2.5 Million Grant to Combat Retail Theft

Fremont Police Department Secures $2.5 Million Grant to Combat Retail Theft


In a significant win for Fremont law enforcement, the Fremont Police Department has been awarded a substantial grant of nearly $2.5 million to bolster its efforts in combating organized retail theft. The Organized Retail Theft Prevention Grant, issued by the Board of State and Community Corrections, will provide crucial funding to address and mitigate the impact of criminal activities within the city.

The announcement, received on September 14, comes as a response to the department’s application for the grant in July. The funds will be instrumental in supporting the ongoing initiatives aimed at deterring, detecting, and responding to organized retail theft and other crimes affecting the community.

The Fremont Police Department plans to utilize the grant to establish an operational Real-Time Information Center, reinforcing its capabilities with advanced technology and additional full-time crime analyst positions. The funds will contribute to enhancing public safety through investments in technology and personnel.

Currently, the police department employs a comprehensive approach to law enforcement, utilizing an extensive camera network, real-time data integration platforms, a Drone as First Responder (DFR) Program, and specialized detectives to combat crime effectively.

The grant is part of Governor Gavin Newsom’s Real Public Safety Plan, reflecting a broader commitment to reinforcing public safety measures. The Fremont City Council is expected to officially accept the funding in an upcoming meeting, acknowledging the grant’s role in supporting the city’s law enforcement efforts and enhancing the safety and security of the community.

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